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Sixth Form students: be ready. Be ready to unlock future pathways with three stellar A levels, in which your skills, knowledge and passions unite. Be ready to go out into the world following your dreams, whatever they may be.
A levels are the chance to really get into a subject, to research and explore deeper and wider than before, acquiring skills and knowledge that will prepare you for life beyond the hill be that at university or the world of work. For some students, choosing their A levels is easy – they may have always wanted to be a Vet, for example, but for others it requires more thought. Like with GCSE options, parents, staff and students will come together to discuss the options and there will, of course, be one tentative eye on university or apprenticeship requirements.
The A level curriculum at Farnborough Hill is wide-ranging, covering all the GCSE subjects along with Business, Economics and Psychology. Tutorial style teaching in classes ranging from three or four up to 12 or slightly beyond enables every student to have a voice and opinions. With small class sizes, every student is known extremely well by their teachers and can be supported in their own learning style. Lessons can adapt and flow, extra tuition and care is readily available and freely given.
Teachers champion their students to achieve – just wait until the A level results day to see them celebrating alongside.
- Art
- Business
- Classics
- Computing and ICT
- Design and Technology
- Drama
- Economics
- English
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Modern Foreign Languages: French, German and Spanish
- Music
- Physical Education
- Politics
- RS
- Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
- Science: Psychology