We have a formal careers programme, inbuilt into the curriculum, for every Year Group. We have always believed it is never too young to start thinking about life beyond school. To begin to be ready.

Some girls join us with firm plans, others leave us still not knowing quite what career path to follow, but the most important thing for us is that they take their next steps with confidence and research-backed knowledge and equipped with the mind and skillset to succeed. We take pride in offering the best possible advice and encompass the eight Gatsby benchmarks for good careers guidance within our programme.

From sessions under the ‘Girls Get Set’ scheme in Year 7 and work experience with parents in Year 8, to the Morrisby questionnaire in Year 10 and an Interview Practice and Networking Evening in Sixth Form as well as our biennial Careers Fair, pupils have a plethora of opportunities and resources available to guide them with their aspirations. Weekly drop-in sessions with our Careers and Alumnae Officer enables one-to-one and small group guidance, and we have a hugely supportive network of alumnae who are willing to share their experience and knowledge with pupils, be it as a mentor, giving a talk or using their connections for work experience. All of this allows our girls to be ready, to be prepared and to take the next steps of their choosing.

Alumnae Spotlights