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Your daughter will be spending most of her waking hours for the next several years at school – it goes without saying that the most important thing for you as parents and us, as educators is that she is happy here!
From a place of happiness, she can grow, learn and develop with greater ease into a young woman who knows her worth, is confident in who she is, and has the drive and ambition to go out into the wider world and achieve her desires.
Our Pastoral System
Be happy. Be ready.
We are entirely committed to providing an environment that inspires warmth, confidence, creativity and personal development in all our girls and we are confident you will see and feel this for yourself when you visit us.
While every single member of staff is invested in your daughter’s Farnborough Hill experience, her closest relationships will be with her Form Tutors and Heads of Year. Our pastoral system is structured around Form Groups, each of which has both a Tutor and Assistant Tutor, who are in turn supported by a Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year. That’s four members of staff who are ‘eyes on’ your daughter, as a whole person, every day, ensuring she is thriving on the Hill. Ensuring she is known.
Your daughter will be registered by one of her Tutors every morning and her Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year will be around and available every morning as well to chat to the girls. As parents, the Head of Year will help connect home and school: we always aim to have a two-way, open dialogue, where we can celebrate, problem solve and work together on an ongoing basis for the benefit of your daughter. They act as the first point of contact for any concerns you might have and are experienced in supporting you and your daughter in a whole range of academic, personal, social and disciplinary issues.
Form Groups have the same Form Tutors for Years 7 and 8 and then for Years 9, 10 and 11 before they move into different tutor groups for Sixth Form. We have specialist Heads of Year teams for Year 7, 11 and the Sixth Form who are experts at supporting the pupils at these key points in their education and life. Pupils then have the same Head of Year for Year 8, 9 and 10.
Backing up the pastoral care offered through the Form Groups are our School Nurses, our Chaplain and our Counsellor.