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It is important to make a difference in the world. In fact, we now have scientific proof that the more we care and cater for the happiness of our friends, families and communities, the happier we become as individuals. Making a difference in our communities promotes self-fulfilment and a more enriched, positive outlook on life; focusing on bringing people together under one goal, improving the lives of others in our communities, and making valuable changes to positively impact the lives of those around us.
This commitment takes root in our classrooms and extends outward. From the classroom to the community, the strong values and dedication that the staff and pupils share in order to create the most meaningful differences is evident. RE-Act, a unique Sixth Form curriculum, exemplifies this spirit. Weekly meetings bring students and staff together to brainstorm impactful initiatives, ranging from creating “positivity posters” to honouring the legacy of our founding Religious of Christian Education Sisters without whom our gorgeously diverse school community would never have been possible.
Our students go beyond the classroom, actively contributing to the lives of others. Dedicated volunteers devote their time and embody the School’s ethos ‘wholeheartedly’ by assisting asylum seekers, aiding them with English language skills and easing their transition to a new life. Additionally, each of our five school Houses champions a chosen charity, raising awareness and funds for causes close to their hearts. This culminates in our annual Christmas Bazaar, uniting the entire school community in a spirit of giving. Pupils, parents and staff band together, taking pleasure in donating gifts, helping to run the stalls and raising funds to assist the House charities in their vital work.
The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) also run a Sixth Form Charity Week, where revenue is raised through various enjoyable activities, such as sponsored staff football, and Farnborough Hill’s own version of a lip-sync battle, featuring numerous members of staff who throw themselves out of their comfort zones, learning dance routines and pop songs to entertain the rest of the school community. Recognising the importance of inclusivity, our JLT actively promotes diversity awareness in our community. This includes raising awareness about various cultures, identities, and disabilities, assisting in creating a welcoming environment where all pupils feel empowered to be themselves and access support when needed. Far beyond the Sixth Form, every pupil has the opportunity to make a difference. Through avenues like the School Council and the Social Justice Club, even younger pupils have their voices heard and contribute to positive change.
The school community also recognises its responsibility towards the environment. Collaborative efforts have led to initiatives like replacing food containers with fully recyclable materials, implementing paper waste reduction programs, and even introducing beehives to promote biodiversity and sustainability on the School grounds.
Farnborough Hill is a vibrant school community, united by strong values and a shared desire to make the world a better place, standing testament to the power of collective action. Our staff and pupils’ unwavering passion to making a difference truly sets Farnborough Hill apart.
Arilyn (L6MAC)