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Our final Mass of the year celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart to which our School is dedicated and, this year, it was the turn of Year 8 pupils to help prepare for the Mass. We warmly welcomed back Fr Pat Sherlock from Salesian College to preside at our Eucharist. Farnborough Hill is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose heart is filled with a deep, strong and everlasting love. We are blessed to have such an amazing God who cares for us with infinite patience, wisdom, affirmation and faithfulness.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents not simply the physical heart of Jesus, but his love for all people. Each one of us was created by God and is deeply loved by God. We are called to love ourselves and to love others, but this can be hard. Let us challenge ourselves to remember God’s love for each of us and find ways to love others - even the people whom we find difficult to love.
Today we also prayed for the Sisters, particularly those who founded our school. We also celebrated Mrs Lynn Storrie in this Mass by remembering how much love and care she showed to her students, as well as sharing her love of biology and God's creation. Two of our Upper Sixth students shared their memories of Mrs Storrie after communion.
Together we pray for our school community, past, present and future. We pray for a deepening of our faith; may we grow firmer in our belief that Jesus not only loves us, but that he is with us always.