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On Wednesday 21 June, the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award participants enjoyed a celebration of their achievements with their leaders and parents. Whilst many people think of the expeditions when they hear ‘DofE’, they are in fact only a small part of the award and over the evening, several shared what they had got up to in the various aspects of their award.
The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award begins in Year 9, and the Silver Award begins in Year 10. The Award is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills and develop leadership and teamwork in an often unfamiliar environment. Participants must spend considerable time working on skills, physical activity and getting involved in volunteering projects in order to achieve the award.
A huge congratulations to those that have completed their awards this year. We would like to add our thanks to the pupils that supported the event by speaking, serving drinks, organising certificates, tidying the Hall and taking photographs – the evening would not have been a success without you all. We are now launching the Bronze and Silver awards for the next academic year so if your daughter is currently in Year 8 or 9, keep an eye out for a letter with the details. If your daughter has any questions about any aspect of the award, she can speak to any of the Bronze and Silver DofE leaders - Mrs Georgina Brocklehurst, Mrs Hazel Burrows or Mr Scott Temple.