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There was real excitement this week as all five Houses battled it out in the hotly anticipated MasterChef competition, brought to us by the brilliant Dutertre House. Five teams, each representing a House, donned their aprons and competed in a fun and creative cooking showdown. The challenge was to whip up a batch of vibrant cookies and prepare a traditional minestrone soup packed with fresh vegetables, all while adding their own unique twists and style to the dishes.
Everyone started with the same ingredients and instructions, but that's where the similarities ended, as each team brought their own unique flair to the table. For the cookies, some Houses opted for multiple colours to cover their cookies whereas others elected to only use their House colours in a 'less is more' fashion. Each of the designs displayed each of the Houses’ personalities. The minestrone soup competition was just as creative - some teams kept it simple and classic, focusing on the perfect balance of tomatoes, onion, carrot, basil, parsley and pasta, while others added extra garnishes like parmesan to elevate the presentation.
What a fantastic way to spend lunchtime! A huge thank you to our esteemed judges, Mrs Anne Griffiths, former Deputy Head, and Mrs Anne Goddard, former Head of Food Technology, who kindly returned to lend their expert palates. Their keen eye for detail and appreciation of culinary creativity made for a fair and exciting judging process.
A massive thank you to all the pupils who took part, our wonderful judges, Mrs Mimi Fogden, and to Mrs Susana Camprubí-Reches whose dedication brought the competition to life once again!
Until next year’s MasterChef showdown!