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Growing up in the US, my family had a storage closet that could have been dubbed, ‘the closet of shame’; a chaotic space we'd shove things into, especially when guests were coming! Now, even in my English home, I find myself using the office as a temporary dumping ground, desperately hoping no one opens the door. It seems I'm not alone in this, as friends admit to similar habits. It's a constant battle to keep those hidden spaces under control, a struggle that feels all too familiar.
This week, Ash Wednesday marked the start of Lent, a time for spiritual spring cleaning. Fr Anthony Lobo sdb, from our local parish of Our Lady and St Dominic’s, led our Liturgy, reminding us of the significance of this 40-day period. He spoke of the season's connection to the number ‘40’ in scripture and the 'Light' within us, like a candle from the original source, meant to shine and then, one day, return. Fr Anthony then asked pupils to hold up William Holman Hunt's The Light of the World to illustrate this, pointing out Jesus, holding a lantern and knocking on a door without an outward handle.
It struck me how this mirrored our own tendency to close the doors of our hearts, not letting God or others inside, much like the hidden rooms in our homes. After all, we know the mess that lies on the other side of the door. Lent challenges us to open those doors, even just a crack, and let the 'Light' in. By tidying our inner spaces, we can rekindle our own light and brighten the world around us.
A big thank you to the Year 9 pupils who read in the Liturgy, along with Mrs Katherine Wood, our Altar Servers and Ushers in Years 8 - 10 who served and our Senior Choir, led by Mr Joe Adams and supported by Mr Patrick Martin. We also thank Fr Anthony for being with us on such a busy day in his parish.
Mrs Nelle Dalton, Chaplain