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Year 9 pupils had a blast at the EEP Robotics Final! Sophie (9A) talks about the experience below.
On Wednesday 21 June, a group of us from Year 9 went to the EEP 'Tomorrow's Engineers' Robotics Challenge Final at the Birmingham NEC to compete against 39 other schools.
First, we presented how our design and programming had evolved over the year. Next, we had our speed and control challenge where our robot covered a shuttle race of 12m in just 7.1 seconds, crashing into the finish line with style. After that we did the challenge mat, showing off our precision programming and building skills. Finally, the competition ended with the teamwork activity, in which we had the opportunity to talk to lots of different engineers (including British Airways pilots, RAF engineers, Williams Racing Workers and Specsavers Optometrists) and collected booklets to put on a poster.
We had the chance to participate in lots of workshops and have a go on many different simulators. We all went to the planetarium together and saw a show about life on other planets. The day was really fun and the challenges went very well. We learnt all about different jobs within engineering and spoke to a lot of interesting people who explained and showed us the positives of their careers in STEM.