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Our School Community gathered in the Chapel on Monday 11 November for a time of prayer and reflection, commemorating the men and women who served our country during the First and Second World Wars and all conflicts since. Mrs Katherine Bell, Head of History and Politics, organised this moving service with support from our School Chaplaincy. She spoke eloquently about the stark reality that World War I was meant to be 'The War to end all wars', (HG Wells), and yet, we continue to find ourselves in a time of various global conflicts. Despite this disheartening reality, the sense of selfless duty displayed by those who served is inspiring and offers us the safety and security which we benefit from today.
Josephine (10B), Army Cadet, Deep Cut Detachment, laid the wreath of poppies at the foot of our altar, after marching in with Alyssa (L6LAN), Air Cadet Squadron, Guildford 261, and Carla (9ω), Air Cadet Squadron, Camberley 1075. There were many Girl Guides who also wore their uniform to help mark this day of Remembrance. History pupils and sixth formers read prayers and poems, our Senior Choir led us in beautiful hymns, and Jessica (10ω), played The Last Post followed by two minutes of silence. A representative from each House lit a candle, as did our Bursar, Mr Crispin Ingham, who served in the British Army for 20 years and Mrs Nelle Dalton. Mrs Maria Young reflected at the end of the service about the realities of war and how it affects our communities.
Thank you to all who contributed to this poignant service of remembrance.