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On Tuesday 20 June, the Hill was filled with excitement as we welcomed the new Year 7 girls for their Introduction Day. After a quick goodbye to their parents, the girls stepped into the Hall Lobby, ready to learn all about the place that will be like a home for the next seven years. The girls heard from Mrs Zoe Ireland, Miss Pippa Sexton and Mrs Emily Harrison, who encouraged them to make the most out of every opportunity that will come their way and to embrace the Farnborough Hill family wholeheartedly.
Each year, Farnborough Hill creates a new altar cloth for Chaplaincy reflecting a different theme. This year's theme is 'I am the way, the truth and the life' (John 14:6) and, to help welcome them into the school community, it felt appropriate that the girls' first activity of the day was to make their contributions to the new altar cloth. Everyone received a cloth hexagon on which they wrote the name of someone who has helped them along their journey. The hexagons will be joined together with other completed hexagons by all the Year Groups to make the final altar cloth for the next academic year.
The Form Tutors then guided the girls to their new Form Rooms and spent time getting to know everyone. This was followed by the girls' first of many break times out on the Hill with snacks and a drink.
The Year Group then had sessions in Classics and Mathematics. The girls were incredibly engaged and clearly enjoyed learning more about Ancient Greek art and working on probability problems with playing cards.
The new Year 7s enjoyed lunch in the Refectory and then took part in a famous Farnborough Hill tradition, learning the song Whose Pigs Are These? This is a favourite amongst all pupils, so of course the Music Department ensured they will be fully prepared for September.
We then moved outside and onto the beautiful grass tennis court where the girls were introduced to their Houses. They met their Buddies (currently in Year 7), played some games and had a chance to ask plenty of questions to their fellow pupils.
New friendships have been made and fears allayed. We look forward to welcoming the girls back in September!