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Getting to experience life as a sixth former at Farnborough Hill came at the perfect time after an intense period of internal assessments the week before, and it was a great first experience of what Sixth Form life would be like. We began the day on Thursday by going to the beautiful Lafosse Centre, where we enjoyed toast on the comfy sofas in the communal area. We then went off to PSHEE, where we were able to talk to the current sixth formers about some of the privileges we would have in the Sixth Form such as free periods and cookies, as well as experiencing some of the different opportunities including UCAS and REact. The sixth formers gave us good advice, such as always making revision notes or flashcards after every lesson so when it comes to examinations we will not have to cram. The Lower Sixth also took us on tours of their flats and patiently answered our questions about the opportunities and life in Sixth Form.
During a free period, a few of us decided to take a trip to the local Costa and McDonalds with our friends before joining the UCAS session, run by Mr McCready, where we learnt about the system used for university applications and the courses on offer, followed by personality quizzes. The session really showcased to us the excellent support we would get as sixth formers here. In REact, run by Mrs Swire, we learnt about the charity and community work that the current Lower Sixth do, and the opportunities that we would be able to contribute to. And then to lunch when the privilege of joining any lunch slot was a great, and long-awaited moment!
The many different sessions that ran throughout Thursday and Friday were a great taste of some of the many academic subjects available to the Sixth Form. There were brand new subjects such as Business, in which we learnt about innovation and some of the newest innovations including Movement Coca-Cola (which was, surprisingly, not the greatest) and Economics where we learnt about the housing market. Those of us who took photography with Mrs Gibbs learnt about inspirational photographers and their great work. From this lesson we were encouraged to be creative and use different lighting set-ups and reflections of objects. Other sessions included Psychology, History and Politics, and of course, the Enrichment sessions.
Overall, we would say that the day was a great experience and we loved having an insight into Sixth Form on the Hill.
Florence (10A) commented on the day, saying:
I really enjoyed myself at the taster days, my favourite lesson was Psychology as I have never done it before, it was really nice to try new subjects and get a feel for Farnborough Hill Sixth Form! As well as this, I liked to have the freedom to leave the school site in frees and at lunchtime. Overall, I think it was amazing we had the opportunity to do this and I am very grateful.
Megan (10ω), Gnaneswary (10α), Molly (10B) and Jenny (10α)