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Today, our school community came together for the first time this term in the Chapel to celebrate Mass of the Holy Spirit. We extended an especially warm welcome to all new pupils and staff; we also welcomed Sister Elizabeth and Governors, and we welcomed back Fr Stephen Ortiger, OSB who has many connections to Farnborough Hill and has generously driven up from East Preston on the coast to be with us for our special celebration.
The purpose of this Mass was to come together and ask for God’s blessing through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We offered our school as it is now, and we dedicated ourselves and this school year to God. May God be at the centre of all that we do, and all that we are, and may God bless our school community, the Sisters, our clergy, our families and friends, our work, our studies, and all our activities.
As we celebrated this Mass, it was nice to reflect upon our new altar cloth which has written Jesus' words from the Gospel of John ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.’ Most of us present wrote the name of someone who has helped us along our journey or someone who may need our help. We know that Jesus works through us and our actions and words, so we prayed for those who have helped us and prayed that we too can be Jesus’ hands, feet and love that our school and our world so needs. We gave thanks to Mrs Brennan, Ms Routledge and all the pupils and staff who contributed to this Altar Cloth.