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Being the Head of Sixth Form at Farnborough Hill has been the privilege of my career and it was a treat to welcome back my final cohort, the Class of 2023, last Friday. They were an incredibly dynamic, resilient, and hard-working Year Group but what I will remember most in the years to come is their warmth and good humour.
My first encounter with this Year Group was when I addressed them in the Chapel in 2021, when they were in Year 11. This followed a rather interesting Teams chat where the rationale of multiple tests to help us award their ‘TAGs’ had been questioned. As I stood in front of over 100 girls, I must say I felt rather isolated. I need not have worried and although their questions were forthright and robust, I knew they came from a genuine place of concern, and they held themselves with confidence and dignity. I knew in that moment that I was going to have a lot of fun with this group!
It was a joy to see the girls so happy back in August and it was wonderful to see their hard work rewarded. Last Friday, we welcomed them back for a celebration of their success, and it was clear to see already how much they had matured and, also, how much they had been enjoying university life. I did make the point that at some stage they will need to stop partying and actually get down to some work! Joking aside, I went home content that the girls had everything they needed for their destined, future success.
This event signed off my role as Head of Sixth Form at Farnborough Hill, but I now apply my efforts to the whole school in a bid to improve the experience of all girls. Watch this space…