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Throughout this week, Year 11 have been meeting individually with external careers advisors to talk about our Morrisby results. The Morrisby tests are taken online and help you find your strengths and weaknesses, assess your personality and offer career suggestions. During my session, we discussed my current interests, favourite subjects, and hobbies. We then explored all the possible A level options that I was considering and had a closer look at the career suggestions. We also looked at other results and features of the Morrisby test including aptitudes and work style.
In my case, the Morrisby test was very accurate in identifying my strengths in relation to the career path I would like to follow. This was very encouraging for me because I know that I am choosing subjects that will continue to bring out the best of my abilities. I am now clearer on the subjects I want to study at A level and looking forward to progressing in my studies. I found the advisors supportive, knowledgeable and professional.
Overall, this session was very beneficial and informative. I gained more knowledge and clarity on the different career paths available to me. I was also reassured that some of my career suggestions do not need to be taken too seriously!
Sophie (11α)