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6 NOVEMBER, 2023
On Wednesday 27 September, our A level Further mathematicians took part in the UKMT Mathematics Olympiad for girls. The Olympiad is aimed at girls and young women across the UK and requires higher-order thinking skills, as well as deep problem-solving skills. Congratulations to Suhana (U6WIN) who attained a Distinction and Eesha (L6SWI), Alice (L6MAC) and Isobel (L6MCB) who all attained a Merit in the competition.
In addition, on Tuesday 3 October, a number of our Year 11 pupils and our A level mathematicians took part in the UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge. The challenge is designed to make pupils think, with stimulating problems for both beginner and experienced problem-solvers. A massive congratulations to Daisy (11α) who achieved the 'Best in School' Award as well as the 'Best in Year' award for Year 11. Eesha (L6SWI) attained the 'Best in Year' award for Lower Sixth, with Suhana (U6WIN) achieving this for Upper Sixth.
Daisy (11α), Radhika (11A) and Suhana (U6WIN) have all qualified for the UKMT Senior Kangaroo Mathematics Challenge on Wednesday 15 November. We wish them the best of luck in the next round of the challenge.