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Ami (U6DEM) shares her experiences from the Geography trip to the Azores over the half term:
Monday 30 October marked the start of the Geography trip to the Azores. Rising bright and early to be at school for 5.00 am, the group was found buzzing, in part due to excitement, but mainly from waiting in the cold before the coach arrived! Once onboard the coach, the group regained its high spirits and was ready to go through customs. We finally got on the plane to Lisbon and found the rest of the journey to the Azores to be very smooth. Upon arrival, we checked into our hotel and were delighted to stroll into gentle Ponta Delgada to get dinner. Certainly tired, we went straight to bed after this.
Our first day comprised of a visit to Furnas Valley, known for its geothermal activity. We visited the Caldera Lake Interpretation Centre and were most privileged to get a better insight to volcanoes in the Azores. We took a leisurely walk along the Furnas Lake, getting to see delightful scenery. Our second item on the agenda was to visit a botanical garden and see some of the dahlias in bloom which was unusual for this time of year - they must have known Farnborough Hill was visiting! That afternoon was spent in the Gorreana Tea Plantation. We got to try the hand picked tea and explore the gift shop. Our closing activity was seeing the oceans from the Santa Iria viewpoint.