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On Thursday 9 November, we came together as a Whole School community to remember the service men and women who sacrificed their life in war. Mrs Katherine Bell organised the Service and gave a moving introduction, sharing that she grew up hearing stories about her grandparents who served in the Second World War. Mrs Bell reminded us that both the war in Ukraine and in the Holy Land have historic roots in the First and Second World Wars. While we celebrate the selfless service of men and women in our armed forces who make sacrifices for the benefit of others, the current conflicts demonstrate the sad reality that “no one wins in war.” Mrs Bell advised that the best way for us to bring peace to the world is to practice dialogue with those who may have differing opinions.
Josephine (9B) marched in her cadet uniform and laid our wreath of poppies at the front of the Chapel. Following this, members from our School community lit candles to signify the lives lost in war and conflict. Jessica (9ω) played the Last Post before our collective two minutes of silence. We offered our collective prayers giving thanks for the freedom and security we now have in the UK and petitioning for global peace and an end to war, especially in Ukraine and the Holy Land. Our service ended by raising our voices in song with I Vow to Thee My Country. Thank you to Mrs Bell and all who contributed to this beautiful and touching service. May we all continue to both pray for peace and to be bearers of peace to the world.