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On Monday, the Farnborough Hill beekeepers checked on the hives to ensure all the adjustments required for winter were carried out in anticipation of the colder months ahead.
Beekeepers often remove Queen boards and add insulation to their hives to prepare them for winter. Queen boards are used to separate the Queen bee from the rest of the hive and act as a barrier between the brood chamber and the top super. They are removed in case the bees decide to migrate up into the super where the honey is. If we keep the board in place the Queen cannot get through and will starve.
We were concerned that the Coronation Hive was too large and that the bees would struggle to stay warm. The decision to remove the Queen board was made and insulation was added to both the Coronation and Jubilee Hive. However, we may still consider getting some insulation to go on the outside of the hive to provide additional warmth.
Mouse guards were also installed on the entrance of both hives to protect them from pests. Mice are attracted to the warmth of the hive and can damage the hive and steal honey.
Overall, the team are happy with their hive preparations and are confident that the bees will be able to survive the winter and thrive in the spring. They are monitoring the hives closely and will make adjustments as needed.