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It was with great joy that, on Tuesday 21 November 2023, our school community came together to celebrate Community Feast Day; a day dedicated to our founder, Abbé Louis Lafosse, and the Order that he established; Religious of Christian Education (RCE). It was on this day in 1817 that four young women, led by Mother Marie-Anne Dutertre, took their vows to become Sisters of the RCE, beginning the annual Feast Day that we celebrate today. It was their commitment to educating girls that led to the foundation of Farnborough Hill in 1889.
The day's events entailed the blessing of the graves, a thought-provoking Mass and entertainment centred around the life of Abbé Louis Lafosse. We reflected on the Abbé's message to go about life joyfully and wholeheartedly and thought about the RCE Sisters who had worked at Farnborough Hill, several of whom left in the last few years who are now living in Ireland, England and America, and who, we all know, pray for us daily.
It is a tradition in the Catholic Church to remember our deceased in the month of November. Catholic priests and communities visit various cemeteries blessing graves and praying for the souls of our faithful departed. We are blessed here at Farnborough Hill to have buried on the School grounds, many of the RCE Sisters who founded and worked hard to make Farnborough Hill the wonderful girls’ school it is today.