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Last week, it was Year 11's turn to take the stage and perform their Devised pieces. Although they are all provided with the same stimuli, the variety and creativity of their responses is always truly astonishing, and takes the audience to new worlds as yet unvisited.
This year’s work was no exception, and our Year 11 dramaturges took us on a pilgrimage of imagination; they invited us to look compassionately beyond the surface grimace of cruel and twisted faces; they explored the morality and unexpected consequences of lies. In a piece of surreal repetition and subtly altered memory and perspective, we were invited to consider fundamental questions of identity.
A montage of personal images, using Verbatim Theatre, took actual accounts given by refugees fleeing their homes and poignantly presented their loss through the objects they brought with them.
A more personal sense of loss was elicited by family members exploring the space left by a missing father, and the silences created by absence. Following this, we were invited to consider a moral dilemma, in which conscience and love are in tension with moral duty.
Finally, we were presented with 'perfection', and wondered whether, if we had the means to make others perfect, we should do so.
The Promethean fire of creativity is renewed once again in the Theatre on the Hill, and lights the way for young minds in their journey into the future.