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Charlotte (8ω) and Orla (8α) reflect on their brilliant memory-filled experience on the Italian Alps Ski Trip below:
Fresh mountain air, fun, laughter and countless hot chocolates - the ski trip was a great experience that I was so lucky to have been a part of. For some of us girls, it was our first taste of skiing and with each slope, we improved. We all loved sharing a room with a friend as we were able to swap stories from our day.
On the ski slopes everyone was filled with energy and excitement and we really admired how all the ski instructors were so encouraging and enthusiastic. They helped us improve our technique and speed, gave us helpful hints and tips and simply made our skiing experience fun!
If the excitement of skiing wasn't enough, the food was absolutely incredible! The evenings were filled with warmth and laughter and we feasted on a seemingly endless buffet. The variety meant we could try out new foods and really appreciate Italian cuisine (even if some of us favoured pasta and chips each night!). Mr McGuire still found a way to entertain us, as we all spent an evening watching a re-run of the staff pantomime, in which he so brilliantly starred.
This ski trip wasn't just about conquering slopes; it was about creating memories to last a lifetime, with races on the last day which brought out the competitive spirit in everyone! Afterwards, we all had hot chocolate and an ice cream, a reward for our week of much effort and laughter. It was a great way to become friends with lots of different people and was a week of pure magic!