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On Tuesday 23 January, whilst prospective parents and staff mingled in the Old House, laughter ricocheted through the rest of the School as the Class of 2031, a whirlwind of energy, tackled challenges designed to ignite friendships and unlock the magic of a Farnborough Hill education.
Each team, guided by sixth formers and cheered on by enthusiastic Years 9 - 11 pupils, raced through six tests of wit and teamwork. These bright-eyed Year 6s were not just guests – they were adventurers.
The air buzzed with excitement as girls constructed Lego skyscrapers, wrestled with the alphabet to conjure over 800 words from "Wholeheartedly" and tackled a means Mathematics task, to name a few. Finally, as the evening drew to a close, hot chocolate warmed eager hands and a mountain of cookies disappeared under satisfied grins. The grand finale? The announcement of the winning team who erupted in cheers as they were presented with their bespoke Farnborough Hill yo-yos. The real prize, however, was the camaraderie between Year Groups, laughter echoing in the halls, and the shared enthusiasm and love for learning in our newest pupils.
A heartfelt thanks to our Years 9 - 11 and Sixth Form, whose dedication and joy made this evening unforgettable for our Year 6 guests. A night of challenges, yes, but also a night of connection, laughter, and pure, unadulterated fun.