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When Charles Addams first created the caricatures for The New Yorker in the 1930s, little would he have believed how ubiquitous they would become in the humour and fashion of our lives today. We felt that this was borne out on the ‘big reveal day’ in one of the final Assemblies at the end of the Summer Term. As the iconic, staccato, climbing bass accompanied a short cartoon – an isolated tree in a moonlit storm – the reaction to the four quickly ascending notes and two clicks left little doubt that The Addams Family might just be a firm favourite.
Fast-forward, and our incredible cast of 11 talented Leads and the company of 60 pupils from Year 7 to Upper Sixth, have worked hard over many long, dark evenings during the Autumn Term. Our Director of Music, Mr Joseph Adams (no relation of course!) has taught close harmonies, syncopated rhythms, and incredible, fast, intricate phrases. With scenes blocked, nuances and turns of American phrase understood, and dynamic choreography stepped in, the cast are beyond excited to bring you some show-stopping tunes from the great canon of musical theatre.
Our concept aims to bring a show which is quirky and original. Taking some inspiration from the filmmakers of the 1930s German expressionistic film noir genre, we have worked in close collaboration with the Art Department to bring a striking set of sharp angles and distorted proportions. Costumes, props, lighting and make-up will contribute to add atmosphere to the piece and we cannot wait to open our doors to the Great Hall of The Addams Family. There are some fabulous creepy creations coming along as props and costumes are brilliantly brought together by Ms Cathrin Woods, Mrs Ludivine Fitzwater and one of our parents, Mrs Farouky. Be prepared to meet Fester’s moon, Wednesday’s crossbow and more, not forgetting the ancestors of yore, in an exhilarating evening’s entertainment which will certainly not disappoint.
Mrs Helen de Mattos, Director of Drama