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On Wednesday afternoon, Sixth Form artists were full of focused energy as they delved into the world of life drawing. Although familiar with their mediums of charcoal, ink and pastels, it was their first opportunity to study and capture the essence of the human form.
The session with a live model began with a series of quick, five-minute poses, designed to loosen up their strokes and awaken their observational skills. The model held a variety of stances – standing tall, seated gracefully and even reclining in a pose that challenged perspective. With charcoal, artists meticulously built structure, their lines mapping out the proportions of the human body. Ink flowed freely, capturing the dynamic play of light and shadow with bold strokes and expressive washes. Pastels added a touch of soft vibrancy, blending and layering to evoke subtle tones and textures. It wasn't just about capturing the pose, each line, smudge and stroke was a quest to understand the subtleties of form and light.
This workshop offered much more than just a technical exercise; it was a journey of discovery, a deeper appreciation for the human form, and a glimpse into the boundless potential of artistic expression.