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On the last Friday before half term, the A level Mathematics students travelled to London to attend MathsFest, held at the Royal Institution. MathsFest is essentially an event for students to hear from Mathematics speakers about their favourite areas of Mathematics and, after last year, expectations were high.
The day opened with a talk on paradoxical maths which provided the students with many mind-twisting situations. This was followed by a highly entertaining session with Steve Mould, a mathematics YouTuber, on his ‘weird mathematical obsessions’. Other talks discussed whether it is possible to measure the coastline of the UK and whether some numbers are more irrational than others. A much-anticipated event of the day was the ‘MathsSlam’. This is a competition in which students can do a short presentation on an area of Mathematics that they find interesting. A few months ago, Akshayaa (U6CSK) and Suhana (U6WIN) decided to enter a presentation on the topic of infinity and the paradoxes associated with it. Fortunately, they were selected and on Friday they had the chance to present in the Faraday Lecture Theatre where Faraday presented the electric motor for the first time! Later in the day the two students were announced as the winners which made an already amazing day even better.