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Isabella (10α) is excited to share her experience from our team's first-ever participation in the Greenpower competition last weekend:
On Sunday 21 April, Greenpower Car Club made a thrilling debut at Goodwood Motor Course. Since January, we've been transforming a pile of parts into a racing machine, every Thursday after school. From tweaking the brakes and steering to shaping the perfect nose cone for peak aerodynamics, it's been a whirlwind of learning and teamwork.
After a few warm-up laps, we hit the track, clocking up a total of 35 incredible miles across two races. It was amazing to see all the cars and we came away with valuable insights for future improvements. Sure, there was a bump in the road (literally – one of our team members got a recovery car lift after a minor breakdown at the end of the second race!), but that's part of the learning experience! All in all, it was very successful for our first race!
A big thank you to Mr Rees and Mr Smith who have made this possible and to Ms Woods, Mrs Hernandez, Mrs Pollington and everyone else who supported us on the day.
Here's to many more races to come!
As someone who has helped the team on their journey, Mr Alan Rees adds below:
I would like to express how immensely proud I am of the girls' achievements so far. The girls from across both Years 10 and 11 have bonded as a team and support each other brilliantly. On the race day, they showed a true sense of camaraderie and organisational skills to streamline their pit changes from over 2 minutes to under 30 seconds! We're excited to see the next stages of the project and to break the 20 mph barrier soon. Particular thanks to Kristyna (U6WIN), our Physics Prefect, and the DART Department behind the scenes for all their additional support.