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On Monday 29 April, Farnborough Hill vibrated with the energy of its first ever Culture Day, spearheaded by our incredible CAFOD Young Leaders!
The day kicked off with an enriching Assembly. We were excited to welcome back Old Girls, Suchetha and Jaithra Manoj to perform an incredible Bollywood dance, filled with intricate and elegant moves and bucket loads of energy that lit up the room. Mr Adams led a heartfelt hymn sung in Italian, while Señora Camprubí-Reches' rendition of Marc Anthony's Vivir Mi Vida had us all swaying in our seats. And let's not forget the Swing Band, led by Dr Taylor-Warwick, who brought the house down with their rendition of La Bamba.
CAFOD Young Leaders also gave a brief glimpse into their diverse backgrounds, making the Assembly a truly international celebration.
The cultural exchange continued at lunchtime! We battled it out in a "Culture Kahoot," testing pupils' knowledge of different countries and their traditions. The winning team not only triumphed in trivia but also scored the ultimate prize: first lunch for the entire week! The Refectory was transformed into a global village. Festooned with flags from around the world, the room buzzed with conversation as pupils savoured a special menu of food from around the globe, created by our fantastic Catering Team.
A huge thank you to everyone involved! This first ever Culture Day was a resounding success and we can't wait for it to get even bigger and better in the years to come. Farnborough Hill, get ready to celebrate your global spirit every year!