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15 AUGUST, 2024
The Upper Sixth at Farnborough Hill have been celebrating an excellent set of A level results today, with 80% of grades awarded being A* - B and half of all grades attained being A* / A.
These impressive results ensure that our Upper Sixth leavers will be taking up places at the UK’s leading universities including Cambridge, Durham, Warwick, Exeter and King’s College, London, for courses as varied as PPE, English, Chemistry, Classics, Mathematics, Marine Biology and Music.
There were many individual success stories to celebrate: Maia achieved three A* grades, plus an A* in her Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which explored the role of women – particularly stepmothers – as villains in children’s folk literature and fairy tales. Maia has secured a place at Cambridge to read English. Head Girl, Suhana, earned one A* and three As, an outstanding achievement especially when coupled with her extensive duties as student leader. Freya, Emma and Amelia each achieved two A*s and an A grade, while Serena, Annabel C, Giorgia, Annabel S and Gemma obtained one A* and two As. Music Captains, Gemma and Annabel S also respectively hold an ARSM Music Performance Diploma in Flute and Grade 8 Piano, Violin and Singing.
Over a third of this talented Year Group gained straight A* / A grades and two thirds gained all A* - B grades.
The students celebrating today are also to be commended for their fantastic commitment to life at Farnborough Hill, enriching themselves and those around them in so many ways: from starring in productions including Twelfth Night and The Addams Family, to running charity initiatives and exploring the rainforests of Borneo, this Year Group are more than ready to bring their joie de vivre to the wider world.
Headmistress, Maria Young, commented:
“This cohort faced significant challenges during the Covid years, and so we are particularly pleased that they have achieved such outstanding results, supported by the extraordinary efforts of our staff. Their encouragement, stoicism, pastoral care and can-do attitude played an enormous part in helping our girls, as ever, to be their very best selves, and the young women celebrating today are truly brilliant. I hope that they all feel very proud of what they have achieved, not just in their academic results but in their wider education here at Farnborough Hill.
These results reflect the huge amount of maturity and hard work that the girls have shown throughout their Sixth Form career. Farnborough Hill offers a deep and rich range of opportunities across all subject disciplines, which this Year Group has embraced to the full. They leave us as confident, compassionate, joyful and wholehearted young women, and we offer our very best wishes for the next exciting stage of their journeys.”
Well done to all the girls, their staff and parents for achieving such a stunning set of results.