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22 AUGUST, 2024
Year 11 girls at leading independent day school, Farnborough Hill, are celebrating a truly impressive set of results today. Almost 60% of grades were 9 - 7, up 5% on last year, and higher than pre-pandemic achievements. The average grade achieved was a Grade 7 and a quarter of the girls today are celebrating attaining a full house of Grades 9 - 7.
On an individual basis, Daisy and Radhika achieved 11 and 12 Grade 9s respectively, including Further Maths. Both Further Maths and Classical Greek are on offer as part of the school’s Super- Curriculum to the most able pupils, and all those who sat these examinations achieved a Grade 8 or 9 (100% Grade 9 across Further Maths, with 100% Grades 9 - 8 in Classical Greek).
Elizabeth H, Neave J, Green and Amber all earned a fantastic set of ten Grades at either 9 or 8 and Eleonora B and Sophie McG secured nine Grades of either 9 or 8. Green and Eleonora have earned highly prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarships, a scheme to encourage young people into degrees in Engineering, Computing or Technical Design.
This talented cohort have epitomised Farnborough Hill’s ‘wholehearted’ approach, throwing themselves into life on the Hill: in Year 9, over a third of the Year Group chose to undertake either a Level 1 or Level 2 Project Qualification, with 85% of girls earning an A* or A Grade. They haven’t just shone academically, though; the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award was earned by 60% of the Year Group, and a third went on to complete their Silver Award; some of this cohort launched the Greenpower Club at Farnborough Hill and recently raced at Goodwood and others boasted the accolade of Regional Young Enterprise ‘Company of the Year’ (of which Radhika, mentioned above, was a part). Many participated in the productions of both Twelfth Night and The Addams Family and their sporting prowess has seen them achieve highly in both local leagues and national competitions. These extra challenges have enriched the girls - the commitment and endurance shown both inside and outside the classroom has been nothing short of inspirational.
Headmistress, Maria Young, commented:
“This is a fantastic achievement from an incredibly talented group of young women. Not only am I extremely proud of their academic achievements, but I am also proud of their wholehearted approach to school life. We should remember that this cohort began their senior school education by encountering the challenges of Covid during their first two years, so it is particularly pleasing to see how well they have bounced back. They have embraced all that Farnborough Hill has to offer, showing resilience and commitment to enriching themselves beyond the classroom. That is a core aim of the Farnborough Hill education and one which is so evident in these pupils. I cannot wait to see what they bring to life in the Sixth Form and beyond.”
Warmest congratulations to all the girls, their staff and parents for achieving such a fantastic set of results.