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On Tuesday, Year 9 ran the first ever Empower Day at Farnborough Hill. Our guests were Years 4 and 5 boys and girls from local schools, who participated in a range of activities from a mini sports day to murder mysteries. At the start of the year, we were all waiting with anticipation to see what Empower was, and it has certainly been a fun and challenging journey planning all year long for this special day.
From the beginning of the year, Year 9 have looked at budgeting, presenting and organising our workshops all in preparation for Empower Day. It has been an engaging experience!
One group organised a treasure hunt which involved searching around the Old House and scavenging outside for diamond covered chests with clues. The clues were letters which, when unravelled, would reveal the mystery word 'Wholehearted' in honour of our school. Once they had worked out the mystery word, they won prizes. We also played group games like ‘Duck Duck Goose’ and ‘Stuck in the Mud’ so they could experience the School’s beautiful grounds and be outside on such a sunny day.
Another group organised a gold quest, with riddles that led to different features within the School grounds with a chocolatey surprise awaiting them. We also played the game 'busy bees' and had very interesting and unique responses.
Empower has really helped us to develop our teamwork and communication skills, as well as staying organised and on top of tasks, something which will help us going forward in our GCSEs. Although making sure that the children were following instructions was sometimes a challenge, we can all agree that we enjoyed the day a lot and overcame many things as a Year Group.
Overall the first ever Empower Day was a huge success. We received wonderful feedback from all the schools that came and participated, everyone had a fantastic time and we all said goodbye to many smiling faces. We hope future Year 9s continue with Empower and look forward to and enjoy it as much as we did.
Rachel (9α), Isabella (9α) and Phoebe (9ω)