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The Sixth Form Induction Day on Monday 26 June was an exciting and fun-packed event for Year 11 after the intensity of GCSEs and the joy of the Year 11 Prom the weekend before.
The day was packed with various activities such as teambuilding, going along to the Enrichment Fair and learning about the many resources available and how to use them, including Unifrog, a platform that helps sixth formers search and apply for the best university courses.
Teambuilding was enjoyed by all as they were taught various circus tricks and bonded over attempts to juggle or balance a spinning plate. The diablo also appeared to be a popular favourite. The Enrichment Fair had much on offer, from Beekeeping and Martial Arts, to Scuba Diving and Podcasting (a new addition this year).
Year 11 were also able to spend time in the Lafosse Sixth Form Centre and get acquainted with the comfy sofas and free reign of the kitchen.
We hope our new Lower Sixth cohort are looking forward to joining the Sixth Form community.