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On Tuesday 27 June, the Classics Department took Year 8 to Butser Ancient Farm. It was a chance to explore this open air archaeology museum and to experience some hands on activities.
To begin the day, the girls received a fascinating talk from staff members at Butser. They learnt about how it was made and how they know almost exactly what a roundhouse would have looked like because of the marks left in soil, later discovered by archaeologists. The girls did individual activities such as spinning wool, creating mosaics, jewellery making and were taken on a tour of a Roman villa and a Saxon house.
Many pupils commented on the trip, saying, "My favourite part was making mosaics in the Roman villa as it was very creative and we could choose the pattern we wanted" and another pupil commented "Overall our trip to Butser Farm was very interesting and put what we have been learning about in Classics into context."