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Following Junior Prize Giving on Wednesday 5 July, Year 7 performed a musical about Noah's ark. With Charlotte (7B) as the Lord and Lola (7α) as Noah, it was a lovely piece full of fun and creativity. Over just three rehearsals, we managed to come up with the whole performance and were rewarded with the outstanding final outcome.
Some highlights included each Year 7 walking 'two by two' down the aisle, a few girls holding umbrellas and singing, ‘It looks like rain’, and ballerinas holding blue ribbons to create the effect of water. The sound effects and lighting were very special too; we all ran on stage after claps of thunder to start the performance (which the audience loved)!
My personal favourite was when we quickly whipped off our black t-shirts to reveal a sea of colour and transformed into a rainbow! It was a lovely scene as we sang; we expressed how Noah and his family would have felt when they had been on an ark for 40 days and nights and then found dry land! The popular Bible story came alive with the Year 7s singing and actions.
I found the musical really enjoyable, upbeat and really fun! I loved all the bright colours and it made everyone’s day better!
Holly (7A)
On behalf of Year 7, we would like to thank all the staff who helped out, especially Miss Warwick and Dr Taylor for all the effort they put in to making the show a memorable experience.
Sophie (7ω)