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Our Year 11 pupils came together on Wednesday to celebrate their achievements, friendships and the vibrant community they’ve been a part of as they began their study leave. The day was filled with joy, laughter and heartfelt moments.
The pupils looked amazing in their meticulously designed uniforms. Each girl had put her own creative spin on her attire, adding personal touches that reflected her unique style. Some had crafted custom accessories, while others had personalised their blazers, skirts and shirts, with embroidered patches, fluff and lots of glitter. It was a beautiful sight to see the girls proudly wearing their uniforms, knowing that these outfits would forever hold memories of their time in uniform at Farnborough Hill.
A massive thank you to Mrs Nelle Dalton and Mr Joseph Adams for leading the Year 11 Liturgy and guiding the pupils through moments of reflection, gratitude and hope. The Liturgy was a reminder of the values instilled at Farnborough Hill. As it concluded, the atmosphere shifted to one of celebration, with Mrs Jane Mosley, taking centre stage, accompanied by Mr Adams on the piano, playing Shine, Jesus, Shine, and the entire Year 11 cohort joined in not only with their voices but also their dance moves to go with it.
Our Celebration Assembly served as a beautiful reminder of how far the pupils have come. From nervous and new in Year 7 to confident young women, they have achieved academic excellence, embraced leadership roles and contributed to the School community. The journey hasn't always been easy, but their resilience and determination has carried them through. As they stand together, they embody the spirit of Farnborough Hill - a place where growth, compassion and empowerment is instilled. Well done to all that contributed to the Assembly, it was fantastic - full of laughter, love, friendship and a few tears. Our Year 11 pupils celebrated not just an academic milestone but also their collective spirit and the journey they have been on together to this point. They are more than pupils; they are part of a cherished community that will continue to support and uplift them.
We wish them all the best of luck with their examinations.