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Every autumn, our GCSE pupils create original pieces of theatre as part of their GCSE Drama course. In preparation, the pupils are presented with ten stimuli, from which they choose one, and, with the power of imagination, transform it into something rich and strange. In doing so, the girls are encouraged to delve into the background and connotations of their stimulus, and develop and evolve ideas using the techniques they have learnt in the classroom. Thus, the alchemy of theatre produces a wonderfully diverse range of theatrical pieces.
On Friday 10 November, our Year 10 Drama pupils presented the culmination of their term’s work. On the evening of performance, the capacity audience was led through images questioning identity and ancestry; examining the morals of patriotism and the wartime sacrifice of young lives; wondering how we know what we know (and are we actually dreaming?); a vivid colourful challenge to gender preconceptions; and the unreliability of memory. The breadth and power of our pupils’ performances was a credit to their imagination, diligence, positivity and hard work and together they created a memorable evening that encapsulated the magic of theatre.