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On Thursday evening, we were delighted to welcome Tim Marshall to Farnborough Hill to give us a talk on geopolitics. A Sunday Times Bestsellers List author, he is best known for his book The Prisoners of Geography, which has sold over two million copies worldwide.
Speaking to around 120 pupils and parents, his very informative talk on global politics described how countries increasing in power could influence global activities in the near future. He explained why countries function in the way that they do, why countries want certain areas of land, and potential issues they could encounter as the world develops, which certainly provided a lot of food for thought. Tim also talked about the world’s growing desire to explore space, and the growth of astro-politics. He explained that NASA aims to land a man and a woman on the Moon in 2026, and the competition between countries to dominate the Moon in order to access its resources. Tim believes that in the future, the Moon could be used as a launchpad to other planets such as Mars and beyond, bringing many science-fiction novels to life!
Our Upper Sixth Geography class were particularly interested in Tim's discussions about the topics that we are currently learning about for our A levels, such as population growth and the water cycle.