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A celebration of stories from our visiting author, Bali Rai on Wednesday and so many different book characters gracing the corridors and classrooms on Thursday, meant that World Book Day was once more upon us!
Our weekly staff briefing in the Library literally made me see spots before my eyes! The fabulously supportive Farnborough Hill staff were dressed up as 101 Dalmatians with Mrs Zoe Ireland, ironically dressed as Cruella de Vil.
Many, many girls rose to the challenge this year and there were some fantastic costumes from Harry Potter to Mr Men and everything in between!
Speaking of Harry Potter, our amazing Catering Team, led by Chef Helen Vizard, went over and above with lunch. A Harry Potter themed menu with Potter's Pumpkin Soup, Quidditch Quiche and Chocolate Frogs. The pinnacle of their fare was Aunt Petunia's cake (which was utterly scrumptious!).
For all our fun and games this week surrounding books and literacy we cannot forget that there is a serious side of reading for pleasure. There is plenty of research which shows that children need to expand their worlds and books are the portal for this. Our School Library is at the heart of learning at Farnborough Hill.
The author Bali Rai was a huge hit with our Year 8 and Year 9 girls on Wednesday. His stories brought to life multicultural WWI and WWII heroes who fought for Britain. He talked about his love of History and what Britishness means to him and how this inspired his books. I have been reading one of his books to the girls in Library lessons and it has proved to me that no matter what age you are, listening to a story is a pure delight. This was evidenced when the bell went for the end of lesson whilst I was reading and chaos ensued as they wanted to stay to hear more.
Next Friday, 15 March, will see author Alice Hemming come to visit Year 7. Again, I have been reading one of her novels to Year 7 and they are enthralled by the twists and turns of the story; we cannot wait to welcome her!
Ms Cathrin Woods