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During Senior Assembly on Thursday, we welcomed two alumnae to discuss the wide range of careers available in medicine.
Franki Oliver (2011) currently works as an audiologist at the RNIB and Charlotte Came (2012) works as a cognitive behavioural therapist.
One of the Junior Leadership Team's objectives for this year has been to provide more opportunities for pupils to ask questions that go beyond the curriculum. They received the question: ‘What careers are available in medicine beyond the typical roles of doctors and nurses?’ and they hope that the panel session was able to answer this question.
The guests spoke of how they had chosen their specialisms, and they also discussed the morality behind the private sector vs the NHS. The speakers shared the main advice that they would give to their 15-year-old selves which was not to worry too much as things tend to fall into place and to just keep focused on what it is that you enjoy. We thank Ms Ailsa West for working so hard to organise the Assembly. Pupil voice is really important, and the JLT hope that this has encouraged more of the pupil-body to send in further questions to the JLT on topics that are of interest to you.